513 research outputs found

    L’ancrage territorial de l’aristocratie limousine (XIe-XVIe siècles) : quelques réflexions

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    International audienceTerritorial control is one of the facets of social prestige for the medieval aristocracy. Although difficult to perceive in the 11th and 12th centuries, this control gradually falls within a marked off area, that of the castellania. Whether they are lords (even viscounts) or simple knights, secular elites define themselves compared to castles. At the end of the Middle Ages, the great noble families possess many lordships which compose their titular. Mapping these manorial rights, although difficult and somewhat arbitrary, is a necessary exercise for whom interested in these issues. The rise of the Pompadour and its spatial extensions provides an exemplary illustration of these questions.L’emprise territoriale est l’une des facettes du prestige social de l’aristocratie médiévale. Quoique difficile à percevoir aux XIe-XIIe siècles, cette maîtrise de l’espace s’inscrit progressivement dans un cadre territorial plus précis, celui de la châtellenie : qu’elles en soient les seigneurs (éventuellement de rang vicomtal) ou de simples chevaliers, les élites laïques se définissent par rapport à ces entités dirigées depuis les châteaux. À la fin du Moyen Âge, les grandes familles nobles contrôlent des seigneuries mieux identifiées et ces possessions s’égrènent dans leur titulature. La cartographie de ces droits seigneuriaux, quoique difficile et en partie arbitraire, est un exercice nécessaire pour qui s’intéresse à ces questions. L’ascension des Pompadour et ses prolongements spatiaux en est une illustration exemplaire

    Phosphorus recovery from municipal and fertilizer wastewater: China's potential and perspective

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    Phosphorus (P) is a limited resource, which can neither be synthesized nor substituted in its essential functions as nutrient. Currently explored and economically feasible global reserves may be depleted within generations. China is the largest phosphate fertilizer producing and consuming country in the world. China's municipal wastewater contains up to 293,163 Mg year of phosphorus, which equals approximately 5.5% of the chemical fertilizer phosphorus consumed in China. Phosphorus in wastewater can be seen not only as a source of pollution to be reduced, but also as a limited resource to be recovered. Based upon existing phosphorus-recovery technologies and the current wastewater infrastructure in China, three options for phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge, sludge ash and the fertilizer industry were analyzed according to the specific conditions in China

    Kill René (et collaborations de Florent Fritsch et Henri Schoen), Le château du Haut-Koenigsbourg et l’eau. Sources, puits et citernes du Moyen Âge à l’époque actuelle

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    Cet ouvrage est un peu la rencontre de deux géants : d’abord le Haut-Koenigsbourg, château phare de (feu) la région Alsace – perché à plus de 700 m d’altitude, restauré à l’initiative du Kaiser Guillaume II et sous la direction de l’architecte Bodo Ebhardt, au début du XXe siècle –, qui en est le sujet. Le chantier de restauration a d’ailleurs fait l’objet du premier volume de cette collection centrée sur le monument emblématique des environs de Sélestat (paru en 2014 sous la plume de Bernade..

    Laffont Pierre-Yves, Châteaux du Vivarais. Pouvoirs et peuplement en France méridionale du haut Moyen Âge au XIIIe siècle

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    Cet ouvrage de Pierre-Yves Laffont est la version remaniée de sa thèse, soutenue en 1998, à l’université de Lyon-2 (M.-Th. Lorcin dir.). Il examine les transformations de la société vivaroise, du monde carolingien à la féodalité. Dans ce processus, le château apparaît comme le support essentiel de mutation et l’on sait gré à l’auteur d’avoir cherché à concilier la démarche historique et la lecture morphologique et archéologique des sites. Le Vivarais correspond grosso modo au département de l..

    Mathieu Cosson, Richard Cœur de Lion, comte de Poitou, duc d’Aquitaine (1157-1199)

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    Les études consacrées à Richard Cœur de Lion sont nombreuses, tant la stature aventurière et chevaleresque du personnage suscite l’admiration ou la curiosité. Ces travaux ne sont pas toujours bons mais dans les années 1990, autour du 800e anniversaire de la mort du fougueux roi, de solides travaux ont vu le jour et il est aujourd’hui difficile de renouveler la question après John Gillingham, Jean Flori, ou encore l’important colloque de Caen (Richard Cœur de Lion, roi d’Angleterre, duc de Nor..

    Incorporating Sustainable HCI Research into Design Practice

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    The rapid replacement cycle of consumer electronics, leading to wasteful use of scarce resources and a growing amount of electronic waste, poses a major threat to a sustainable future. Technological advancements of research, such as in Human-Computer Interaction, contribute to this development and therefore have a responsibility to combat those problems. Theoretical research in Sustainable HCI has developed a variety of design principles and frameworks that can be used to address issues of obsolescence; however, they rarely leave the realm of theory and make their way into design practice. This phenomenon is well-known in the general field of HCI, often referred to as the theory-practice gap. In this thesis, we explore ways to bridge the theory-practice gap and address the obsolescence of consumer electronics by applying Sustainable HCI theory to product design practice. To lay the foundation of our research and understand people’s motivation for replacing products, we conducted a survey and follow-up interviews about the most important factors in people’s decision-making process when purchasing consumer electronics. Based on the insights, we took one of the most established frameworks from Sustainable HCI, the Attachment Framework, and asked product designers to include it into their design process. The Attachment Framework offers a set of principles that lead to a deeper bond between an object and its owner, preventing premature disposal and is a particularly powerful tool due to its emotional appeal. Through a product design activity with two groups of seven designers, one of which was given the Attachment Framework, we conducted a comparative study to gauge the impact of the Sustainable HCI design principles on the product design process and its outcome. The mixed results led us to formulate a set of challenges for the application of theoretical frameworks to design practice, which we sought to investigate on further by implementing two different approaches: A web tool to organize the results of background research called StickyDesignSpace, and a brainstorming app called InspiredDesign. Our final evaluation yields insights into ways how Sustainable HCI design knowledge can be successfully transferred to practitioners outside of the realm of research

    Laffont Pierre-Yves, Châteaux du Vivarais. Pouvoirs et peuplement en France méridionale du haut Moyen Âge au XIIIe siècle

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    Cet ouvrage de Pierre-Yves Laffont est la version remaniée de sa thèse, soutenue en 1998, à l’université de Lyon-2 (M.-Th. Lorcin dir.). Il examine les transformations de la société vivaroise, du monde carolingien à la féodalité. Dans ce processus, le château apparaît comme le support essentiel de mutation et l’on sait gré à l’auteur d’avoir cherché à concilier la démarche historique et la lecture morphologique et archéologique des sites. Le Vivarais correspond grosso modo au département de l..

    The limits of HCD:reimagining the anthropocentricity of ISO 9241-210

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    Human-centred design (HCD) is just that: human-centred. As we approach the limits of Earth's biophysical systems, it no longer feels appropriate to place humans at the centre of design decisions. Yet HCD and its ISO—ISO-9241-210:2010—continue to be powerful and popular tools within many computing and design departments, as well as in their affiliated industries. These design approaches are perpetuating the trend of incremental improvements to the living standards of the already privileged and digitally connected whilst ignoring the broader environmental and socio-political effects of digital technologies. In this paper, we attempt to reimagine HCD and its ISO by drawing on fields and concepts such as sustainable interaction design (SID), animal-computer interaction (ACI), and object oriented ontology (OOO). Through this, we contribute a preliminary set of proposals about what needs to change with HCD and its ISO. We close by discussing the ISO development process and suggesting routes for environmentally concerned researchers to influence the evolution of HCD's ISO

    The limits of HCD : reimagining the anthropocentricity of ISO 9241-210

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    Human-centred design (HCD) is just that: human-centred. As we approach the limits of Earth's biophysical systems, it no longer feels appropriate to place humans at the centre of design decisions. Yet HCD and its ISO—ISO-9241-210:2010—continue to be powerful and popular tools within many computing and design departments, as well as in their affiliated industries. These design approaches are perpetuating the trend of incremental improvements to the living standards of the already privileged and digitally connected whilst ignoring the broader environmental and socio-political effects of digital technologies. In this paper, we attempt to reimagine HCD and its ISO by drawing on fields and concepts such as sustainable interaction design (SID), animal-computer interaction (ACI), and object oriented ontology (OOO). Through this, we contribute a preliminary set of proposals about what needs to change with HCD and its ISO. We close by discussing the ISO development process and suggesting routes for environmentally concerned researchers to influence the evolution of HCD's ISO
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